Improvements to Attributes values
We've made two improvements to Attributes that give you more options and control when determining who receives a study (or who belongs in a Group!) based on user attributes.
New filter operators
In addition to the existing comparison operators (equal, greater than, etc), there are a new set of string (text) operators: contains, does not contain, starts with, and ends with. These are case-insensitive and can be used on any Attribute. For example, you can now easily create a Group of all internal employees:
This Group can be used to exclude studies from being shown to internal users, or as a way to test your studies on Production with fellow teammates before launching.
Removal of 100-value limit
Previously, Attributes were restricted to 100 discrete values, and any Attributes that had more than 100 values were automatically removed. We've been hard at work to remove this limitation and now proudly support any number of values for an Attribute!