By popular demand, we’ve added a pinned response option, which anchors specific Multiple Choice responses to the bottom of your choices, even if you randomize the order. And we’ve built a “None of the Above” response option, which stops respondents from selecting extra choices for Multi-Select questions. To try them out, add a Multiple Choice survey question and click the Add Choice dropdown. (Requires Sprig SDK update)

With the Sprig & RudderStack partner integration, you can get even more precise with filtering your study audience. This integration enables you to hyper-target your Sprig in-product Surveys and Replays using customer event data sourced from multiple platforms via RudderStack. To connect Sprig & RudderStack, follow the directions listed here. There’s even a code-free installation option!

Efficiently ask your users several questions about a similar idea with the new Matrix question type. To add a Matrix question to your next survey, click Add Question in the Study Editor, and select Matrix in the dropdown menu. Note that Matrix questions are optimized for Desktop Web delivery, so they won’t be shown to Mobile Web users and can’t be used in Mobile App surveys. (Requires Sprig SDK update)

See an interesting Sprig study result and want to spread the word? You can instantly share a specific Sprig finding with your teammates using shareable result card links. Just head to your study’s Summary page and click Share in the top right corner of any result card. This will copy the card’s specific URL to your clipboard, so you can quickly give your team visibility into what’s happening in your product experience.

Sorting and skimming through your Sprig studies is easier than ever with the new List View of the Studies page. This view includes chronological sorting, so you can quickly find the studies your team has most recently created or edited. Plus, we’ve also added new filters for study status, type, and platform. Switching between Grid View and List View is as simple as selecting the icon on the top Navigation bar.

You can now filter your study data based on users who respond to open text questions with certain words or phrases. These filters make it easy to dig deeper into your analysis, like see if respondents who give lower satisfaction scores have common open text feedback on pricing, functionality, etc. To analyze with response filters, go to a study's Summary page, click More Filters, and select any open text question.

You can now use Sprig's study preview feature to test your mobile study’s design and triggers directly in your mobile app product. First, finalize your study’s Audience settings, and then select Preview on your mobile app on the right-hand sidebar to generate your study test. Note that this feature requires updating your Sprig SDK and adding an additional code snippet – see our docs for instructions.