Web Changelog
Change Log
- add: Always-on replay support
Released on 03/04/25
- fix: consecutive mc dropdown would freeze screen
- fix: Video response questions would size incorrectly
- fix: Heatmaps on MPA was not uploading after page navigation
Released on 02/21/25
- fix: Prevent XSS for Button URLs
- fix: Check for IndexedDB supported by browser
Released on 01/29/25
- add: New config setting forceDirectEmbed
- fix: Fix for using the sdk in a sandboxed iframe
Released on 12/23/24
- fix: Sizing issue in sandboxed iframed and after matrix questions.
Released on 12/17/24
- fix: Address sizing issue, make question body scrollable
Released on 12/03/24
- fix: Properly compare past URLs for sandboxed instances
- fix: Revert question restyling
Released on 11/27/24
- fix: Fix dev environment banner overlap, open text centering, close button alignment
Released on 11/22/24
- chore: Add logs to checkPendingHeatmapsUrl
- fix: Don't resend attributes already sent in existing session
- fix: Fix skipping unanswered multiple choice single select questions if it has "answered" skip-logic rules
- fix: Fixes issue with clicks not being recorded for some elements on mobile safari.
- fix: Make question body scrollable, fix header and footer positions
- fix: Upload ready Heatmaps on initialization
Released on 11/20/24
- fix: Use trackPageUrl provided URL for sandboxed installations
- fix: Remove deprecated Upchunk console warning
Released on 11/04/24
- fix: add webpackIgnore for dynamic replay library import
Released on 10/31/24
- add: Support for mobile web and accordion display matrix questions.
Released on 10/24/24
- chore: updates import of rrweb to use dynamic import and removes usage of window.Sprig.replayNonce
Released on 10/21/24
- chore: Improve debugging logs
Released on 10/11/24
- fix: Handle missing survey id when creating iframe
Released on 10/04/24
- fix: Address some indexedDB quota issues
- fix: Don't emit survey.willClose if no survey is displayed
- add: survey.id to more survey lifecycle events
Released on 10/03/24
- fix: Enable DOM metric thresholds even when not sampling for reporting
- fix: Improve replay storage error capturing
- fix: Prevent resize observer infinite loop
Released on 09/19/24
- fix: Update style instead of creating a new element if one already exists
- fix: Use Promise.all in replay cleanup for wider compatibility
Released on 08/19/24
- add: Renamed IndexedDB table and adds new store indices
- fix: Return early in initialization of recording fails to start
- refactor: Replaces IndexedDB package and shrink bundle size by half
Released on 08/05/24
- add: New performance metrics
Released on 07/22/24
- fix: take full snapshot to minimize look-back in heatmaps
Released on 07/05/24
- fix: track seen event only when survey view is visible
- fix: removed open text aria-label, added describedby
- fix: improve nps and rating scale button semantics
- fix: update styling for mobile feedback button studies
Released on 07/03/24
- add: preview banner to call out when viewing a preview mode study
- add: replayLibraryURL and upchunkLibraryURL config options enabling self-hosted dependencies
- fix: metadata href returning empty string
- refactor: Separates replay module with its own entry point.
Released on 06/17/24
- fix: NPS question iframe height after Matrix question
- add: trackPageView sends URL to view
- add: Add heatmaps capture when object received from events
- add: Sprig_Scroll custom replay event
Released on 06/06/24
- add: Add method to customize feedback surveys
Released on 05/10/24
- fix: View CSS should accept from product config instead of global value
Released on 05/02/24
- add: FeedbackButtonLoaded lifecycle event
- add: hideRecordPrompt option for Video & Voice questions
- fix: Memory leak when closing survey
- fix: Improve Feedback animation and UI
- fix: Rebuild replay Dexie approach, improve cleanup
- chore: Reduce size of the view bundle
Released on 04/30/24
- add: Support for multiple choice questions with dropdown
- add: Support for rich text headers, descriptions and open text footers
- add: Show feedback button when received from pageURL event
- add: Call events/batch if survey opened while event tracked
- add: Adds properties accessible to mobile sdks for metrics reporting
- fix: Stop logging error when window.parent.Intercom is inaccessible
- fix: Live preview restarts on first question when survey finished/closed
- chore: Add size limit validator to the build process
Released on 04/17/24
- fix: Mark Intercom data argument optional
Released on 03/26/24
- add: Clean up custom event info for replay analysis
- fix: setAttribute types to match what Sprig accepts for attribute values
- chore: Improve sentry error reporting
Released on 03/12/24
- add: SDK performance metrics
- add: Timed code block metrics
- add: Replay killswitch from performance limits
- add: Adds SDK logging
- fix: Add back support for cjs exports
- fix: Responsive display in sandboxed iframe
- fix: Show gradient and arrow when matrix has columns offscreen
- fix: Handle undefined tagName
- chore: Allow local cdn configurations
Released on 02/14/24
- add: none of the above multiselect option support
- fix: Add bundled version to the headers for diagnostics
- fix: Check browser quota before collecting replay events
- fix: Update thank you card footer styling
- fix: Fix build issues
- fix: Fix mobile SDK scaling in preview
- fix: Add right padding to matrix questions
- chore: Strip un-needed code from the sprig bundled package
- chore: Adds replay config info to sdk events
- chore: Port tests to different testing framework
- chore: Remove old testing framework
- chore: Better error reporting
- chore: Shrink down size for the shim bundle
Released on 01/19/24
- fix: Retrieve parent href if available, or fallback to view frame href
Released on 01/16/24
- fix: Requests canceled before being resolved when survey has been finished
- fix: Make SDK window height and width have smoother transition inbetween cards
- fix: Do not save html attributes in replay data
- add: Adds more custom event info for replay analysis
- chore: Remove cjs exports for build
Released on 01/12/24
- fix: Undo view parent href change to fix link preview
Released on 01/03/24
- add: Add new Matrix question type card
- add: Support SVG elements in no code CSS selector events
- add: surveyId to SurveyPresented and SurveyAppeared payloads
Released on 01/03/24
- chore: Update LICENSE
Released on 11/20/23
- fix: Pass headers in _completeSessionReplay
- fix: Do not send trackPageUrl events when no url events are configured
Released on 11/07/23
- fix: More improvements to RTL formatting
- fix: Add try-catch to replay recordCustomEvent
Released on 10/30/23
- add: Add support for previewing language translations if passed through the SDK config
- add: Improves formatting/layout of RTL languages
Released on 10/26/23
- fix: Prevent retries requests when prior SDK request violates CSP
- add: Update Sprig brand logos for free plans
Released on 10/15/23
- fix: revert "add rrweb & upchunk to the bundle"
- add: Add public function _generateVideoUploadUrl to allow mobile to generate URL
- add: Add public function _completeSessionReplay to allow mobile to send completed mobile session replays
- add: Return surveyId and responseGroupUid after displaying questions
Released on 10/10/23
- chore: add rrweb & upchunk to the bundle
Released on 09/28/23
- fix: Fixes error from tracking custom events without recording active
- fix: QuestionAnswered event wasn't emitting because we weren't using the internal binded event emitter
- add: Exposes trackPageView function for triggering no-code events
- chore: Fix trackPageView error stacktrace and send page view storage in extraInfo parameter instead
Released on 09/21/23
- fix: Fixes bug with corrupted replays in Chrome when duplicating tabs
- fix: Fixes bug that caused replays to lose up to the most recent 30 seconds of data.
- fix: Improve accuracy of replay durations
- fix: During survey dismiss, remove survey container from its parent node, instead of document body
- chore: Add skip button css for voice + video skip button
- add: Pass userAgent info along with replay
- add: Inject custom sprig events into replay
- add: Upload replay events for IPS after question has been answered
- add: Emits question and its response after question submission
Released on 09/17/23
- fix: improved showSurveyCallback to send tracked events during the callback to the batch endpoint
- chore: centered text prompt question card to center buttons
- chore: updated the build/release process to upload source-maps to sentry
Released on 08/06/23
- fix: prevent additional pendingCaptures while waiting
- fix: batch events fetch to reduce memory load
- fix: catch uncaught transaction errors
- chore: updated testing env to test replay image capture
Released on 07/23/23
- fix: add and remove event listener for survey fading out
- add: Accepts new skip logic format
- add: New comparator types for mcss, mcms, and open text questions
Released on 07/06/23
- fix: wrap deletes and chunkUpload fetch in transactions
Released on 06/14/23
- fix: block reporting specific errors, return earlier in initializeReplay
Released on 06/06/23
- fix: remove non-actionable error report of storage init failure
Released on 06/01/23
- fix: capture failures when initializing indexedDB for replayStorage
- fix: delete previous db if found
Released on 06/01/23
- fix: send previewKey during /history and /submit endpoint calls
- fix: use Dexie for IndexedDB interactions, update tests
Released on 05/31/23
- fix: Add catches to indexDB interactions
- add: Accept Optimizely client to add notification listener
Released on 05/09/23
- fix: Renames rrweb script
- fix: Fixes shorter-than intended recordings
- add: Send replayDuration on replay upload
- add: Ability to integrate LaunchDarkly with Sprig SDK
- add: Track events with LaunchDarkly metadata, if integration is enabled
- add: Adds storage usage information to error reports
- add: Support for "after" and "before and after" replay captures
Released on 04/30/23
- fix: Prevent uploads of replays below duration threshold
- fix: Improves usage of indexedDB storage for replay info. Better handles storage limit errors
- add: Attempt to compress replays before uploading
Released on 04/19/23
- fix: Prevent uploads of replays below duration threshold
- fix: Fix whitespace calculation to include border and margin space
- fix: Emit the calculated height instead of the client height on SURVEY_HEIGHT event
- fix: fix an issue when selector is invalid and sdk fails to process the no code events
Released on 04/18/23
- fix: Fix negative whitespace calculation for frame height
Released on 04/16/23
- fix: Improve performance of replay capture
- fix: Clear replay data when user logs out or visitor ID changes
- add: Add Electron support to open external url based on user's default browser
Released on 04/11/23
- fix: Handle invalid regex gracefully
- fix: Prioritize locally set config over dashboard provided config
- add: Session Replay: Controller and network/upload module. replaySettings config object. Capture session.
- add: Ability to test a new or draft study's trigger logic
- add: Add Electron support to open external url based on user's default browser
Released on 04/09/23
- fix: Prevent unintentionally skipping question if user cancel screen or AV permission mid-question
- fix: Set properties like UPDATES synchronously in sprig initialization
- fix: Handle invalid regex gracefully
Released on 03/30/23
- fix: Prevent share screen button to be clicked on multiple times
- add: Enable optional survey callback function when tracking events for an eligible survey to determine whether or not survey should be shown to visitor
- add: Add skip button on Start Task page for recorded tasks if the question is optional
Released on 03/21/23
- fix: Update typings generation to handle external modules
- chore: Cleaned up some browser package descriptions
- chore: Improve typings generation and validation
Released on 03/14/23
- fix: Updated typings for Sprig.dismissActiveSurvey() call to allow for no arguments
- fix: Fixed typings for previewSurvey and added fix for module resolution NodeNext
Released on 03/06/23
- fix: Progress bar on surveys was incorrect in some situations
- chore: skip rc tag creation if the release tag is already public
- chore: CSP blocked websocket / devserver connection which disable hot reloading
- chore: update the release merge to main process to run only when there's newer diffs than dev
- chore: added LICENSE.md and CHANGE_LOG.md to sprig-browser as a build step
Released on 02/20/23
- chore: Cleaned up android automation errors and outdated files
- chore: Updates to build and release automation
- chore: Removed redundant styles.css file
Released on 01/30/23
- fix: styles.css was missing
Released on 01/08/23
- fix: Progress bar indicator showed incorrect progress
- fix: Consent legal red highlight did not show
- fix: "View Document" button missing on mobile surveys
- fix: Link preview wasn't showing properly
- add: Allow Text URL question type to have skipped button customized text
- chore: Periodically check for webcam/audio permissions when applicable
Released on 01/02/23
- fix: "Seen" event was not being sent which affected resurvey window
Released on 11/29/22
- add: UI framework rewritten to Preact 10.11.2 (from Hyperapp)
Released on 11/17/22
- fix: Check Optimizely.get() function is defined before invoking
Released on 11/09/22
- fix: When SDK is disabled, should return a valid config object
Released on 11/09/22
- fix: Surveys were not showing for NPM installs because of a faulty event listener
Released on 11/01/22
- fix: Pressing the spacebar was toggling Other:specify question types
Released on 10/31/22
- fix: When a survey with a delay is delivered, use the events/batch endpoint so subsequent events do not trigger surveys
Released on 10/27/22
- add: Support nonce for style tags
Released on 10/25/22
- fix: Voice & Video skip logic wasn't working because of faulty comparison
Released on 10/14/22
- add: Support required questions
Released on 10/13/22
- add: If enabled, read the Optimizely singleton and include experiments when tracking events
Released on 10/12/22
- fix: Provide default for event properties
Released on 10/11/22
- chore: Include preview mode in request headers
Released on 10/11/22
- add: Support event properties
Released on 10/10/22
- fix: Improve ontouchstart and ontouchend handling for multiple select options
Released on 09/27/22
- fix: Add wordbreak for very long words
- fix: Remove height restriction for multiple choice questions with lots of options
Released on 09/23/22
- fix: Likert number turned white on Safari browser after completing a likert star question
Released on 08/24/22
- fix: Prevent touchend() from being called twice which skipped a question on Android
Released on 08/18/22
- fix: Remove visual flicker in select components
- chore: Remove unused import
Released on 08/11/22
- add: Support for 'Other' options with text entry for single-select and multi-select questions
Released on 08/09/22
- add: Support likert question with stars and smiley labels
Released on 08/08/22
- fix: Recorded tasks events were not being emitted for websurveys
Released on 08/05/22
- fix: Properly destroy event listeners to better support multiple surveys showing in a single session
Released on 08/01/22
- add: Allow text entry for Consent/Legal questions
Released on 07/29/22
- fix: Revert change that made select box in Consent/Legal questions not selectable
Released on 07/29/22
- add: Allow Option (Specify) to be configurable
- chore: Disable error reporting with response JSON parsing fails
Released on 07/27/22
- chore: Automatically convert attributes with email key to !email
Released on 07/26/22
- add: Support 7-pt likert and more options
Released on 07/25/22
- add: Height update notification to event listeners
Released on 07/07/22
- fix: SDK installed via NPM had incorrect document heights
- add: Github actions support for deploying SDKs
Released on 07/05/22
- fix: Reset scroll position when moving to next question
- add: Internal SURVEY_COMPLETED event for event listeners
Released on 07/01/22
- add:
int into SDK config to show a specific question index (if exist) - add:
boolean into SDK config to use the desktop version of embedded questions for link/email platforms
Released on 06/29/22
- fix: Transitioning from a "Screen only" permissions question to a "Screen + Audio" permission wasn't being detected properly
- fix: Stream wasn't terminating properly when going from a "Screen + Audio" to a "Screen + Audio + Video" question
Released on 06/15/22
- chore: Add
npm install
to build script
Released on 06/09/22
- fix: Autosizing of open text questions wasn't working properly on NPM installs
Released on 06/09/22
- fix: Wrong questionId was being passed to video player event listeners during response submission
- add: "View Prototype" button to recorded question type
Released on 06/02/22
- add: Upload spinner for video uploads
- add: Show permissions request when permissions type changes between questions
Released on 05/31/22
- fix: avStream wasn't stopping when it was the last question
- fix: Record UUID was not being updated properly
- fix: Subsequent recording questions weren't working
- fix: Various polishes and tweaks
Released on 05/27/22
- fix: Skip logic for recorded task when user gives up
Released on 05/20/22
- fix: Text entry boxes would lose focus shortly after being displayed
Released on 05/20/22
- fix: Video codec issue that was not working on safari/firefox
- fix: Video permission screen state transition now will skip to the next page for audio only, and will always show the video preview even if permission is previously given
- add: Upload card before thank you card when videos are uploading
- add: "Try again" button for retry permissions
Released on 05/20/22
- fix: Skip logic for multiple choice questions wasn't working
Released on 05/16/22
- fix: Addressed several issues with consecutive recorded task states
- add: Recorded task now can record and uploads multiple tasks with different permission settings
Released on 05/16/22
- add: Internal events for recorded task permission screen and recorded task start
Released on 05/12/22
- add: Log analytics events for video recorder
Released on 05/12/22
- fix: Add passthrough data to provide required fields
- fix: Fix check for video tracks
Released on 05/09/22
Updated 22 days ago